• A young soul

    A small crowd of mourners gathered at the funeral home to pay his final respect. Viewing his lifeless body triggered a nerve that brings forth tears, we wept not because we didn’t want him to go but because we couldn’t imagine a life without his brilliance.

    To us fate is full of uncertainty, always bringing pain and merry on our tables. well, to Dan fate was defined by one jargon- ‘RHABDOMYOSARCOMA’ A tumor grew in his bladder, at first it blocked his ducts, then the rectum.. then to the lungs.. he couldn’t breathe. For Dan, he paid to excrete waste and for oxygen.. for him being on earth was an expenditure. He paid to live!

    I remember when I first palpated a mass on his bladder like a year ago. For some reason I told myself it must have been something else, I convinced myself that it was just a full bladder. Only to see the big word diagnosis in his report…. Rhabdomyosarcoma. I wished chemo would work, when he entered remission, i felt a sigh, only to hear metastasis – by far the most dangerous word in the corridors of an oncology department. I never thought in my practice of medicine I could ever see such a tumor, for the books said it is a rare tumor.. only to see it with Dan, dear to my heart.

    Every corner in all the roads were marked white,directing us to the venue where he would be laid to rest. At home, songs were sung with the theme to remind us of the heavenly goal. All speakers agreed that indeed Dan was an angel, without knowledge of good and evil, he had not conformed to the things of the world. They said that he had gone to a good space where he could watch and intercede for us, the Catholics liked to call him a saint.

    Dust to dust! Dan’s body was laid to rest just near the entrance of their home. I could hear his voice calling me ‘Murugi’ echoing in my mind. I couldn’t hold my tears. I wept. All the family members wept for nobody is strong in times of grief. Pain was unbearable, a part of us went with him, in our hearts he left a void. Indeed he had fought a good fight, he struggled till his last breath, he lost his life to cancer!

    I am not writing this to sound morose, the thing is, I encourage you to make your stay here worthwhile. For, him life ended soon as it began, for us we are called to make a difference, put a smile on everyone, make the world a better place. Most importantly, create a connection with the creator, for he gives and takes according to his WILL.

    Death and life is a mystery, we have zero control. Nobody has ever been in the afterlife and brought us news, for that reason we fear what befalls us. With Dan however I believe his spirit is with the angels. Rest easy baby🥺

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